
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Turncoat former Dem who went to the Senate over a dead man's body, returns to news.

Recount man and his mentor:

Sniper team leader, against Jon Ossoff, per reporting mentioning the man's name, here, here, and The Intercept, here.

Nasser Kazeminy must be proud. His suit, doing well in PAC land. A websearch.

He made a sidebar special, his own metric, as can be seen from this Internet Archive "Let's hope we don't need this for too much longer..." historical artifact. Has that meter ever actually been pinned to zero, or has it always displayed some perceptible to intense activity?

UPDATE: That PAC, a creative idea, Bill O'Reilly is looking for work.

FURTHER: Worth what you pay to read it, national mainstream media pick at the bones of the Georgia "almost." Here and here. The first of those items reported in part,

Ossoff raised $8.3 million in the first quarter, an enormous haul for a House race. And he managed to spend much of that cash, finishing the first quarter with only $2 million in the bank.

Similarly, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and a GOP House super PAC spent millions in the run-up to the primary as they sought to keep Ossoff from breaking past the 50 percent mark.

Both GOP groups also swooped in during the final days of the Kansas special election.

Just hours after the election was called, the NRCC had already debuted a new general election ad, while Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez booked a Thursday fundraiser in the district.

[...] Dems face decision on Montana

After Kansas and Georgia, national Democrats will feel pressure to get involved in the remaining special elections.

The party took a lot of heat for its last-minute investment in Kansas, where the nominee improved the usual Democratic showing in a reliably conservative seat. But Democrats went all-in for Ossoff early, sending paid staffers on the ground and launching ad campaigns to boost turnout.

The party will still help Ossoff in the June runoff, but the focus now shifts to Montana’s special election to fill the seat vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

Democrat Rob Quist will square off against Republican Greg Gianforte on May 25 for Montana’s lone congressional district, which has trended red for the past two decades.

Mr. Perez. Plunging in Georgia. MIA in Kansas.

This follow-up paragraph to the above, showing what's afoot, gives cause to watch Citizen Perez quite closely,

Quist, a local folk musician, has a populist streak and scored a coveted endorsement from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who will campaign with him across the state.

And after that climax paragraph, the denouement,

Gianforte, a wealthy businessman who ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2016, is considered the favorite.

Still, Republicans are taking no chances. The Congressional Leadership Fund will spend at least $1 million on ads and voter turnout efforts, according to The Wall Street Journal. And the NRCC’s advertising arm made a six-figure buy of TV and digital ads.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has yet to weigh in on the race but will likely be prodded to get involved after the party’s strong special election showings elsewhere.

Do official party money and Bernie-backing mix like oil and water; or will some on the straddle move to good behavior?

FURTHER: The Nation defines The Problem. Will something better show up in Montana?

FURTHER: To like effect; local Kansas op-ed. Thompson will run again, in 2018.