
Monday, April 17, 2017

The good Paul Ryan, (yes, there is one), is quoted saying, "Donald Trump is charged with doing the people’s business, but by keeping his visitors logs a secret, the people will have no idea who he is doing business with at the White House."

With White House visitor logs being kept secret, for all we, the public, know there might be women of the night being brought in to pee on a desk chair Obama once used.

Actually, the question is more serious than that. Who's got access? Access precludes actions growing out of access. If all you see is the tip of an iceberg, what's under water?

This Informed Comment link. Source, mid-item, of the headline. The good Paul S. Ryan is identified in the item as "president of Common Cause." Not the individual who, beyond any common cause or good reason, gets reelected to the House from Wisconsin's First Congressional District.