
Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Captain Jack Sparrow doing his neuroscience thesis, using, and what's doing in the javascripts for the site?

A screen capture from and do you suppose Captain Jack is using Tor for his downloads; trusting Tor? seems to be a presently working domain too.

Paywalls suck. But they exist. So, do you think you'd like to meet a young woman with True Grit?

Links: here, here, here, here, here (true grit), here, and here. NYT even.

Wow, true grit indeed. Taking on the intellectual propertied world one paywall paper at a time. Like sticking a pencil in the eye of one (or all) of those money-making publishing houses with cozy cash cow paywalls. You'd expect maybe the young woman is at risk of being sued.

Guess what:

this link

She surely does not look like a pirate. Jarad Kushner looks more like one to me. Like how you might imagine a pirate more so than her. Jarad with an eyepatch, a hook, the trappings, rather than the well-tailored Armani suit. No make-up, no Ivanka pretty-up trappings. (The young woman must shop at Nordstroms, that could explain it.)