
Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Projecting. Attributing to another motives and acts in line with how you'd handle something.

This item, stating in part:

Christie, though, has repeatedly said he was not involved in the closings and stressed that he has not been implicated in investigations by federal authorities or state lawmakers. The governor was also cleared in an internal report issued by a law firm he hired to look into the matter.

But on Monday, Trump suggested Christie must have known something.

"So, Chris, who is friend of mine, he hit me hard, and I said I got to hit him at least once," he said. "So I won't do this a lot, but, look, here's the story: The George Washington Bridge. He knew about. How do you have breakfast with people every day of your lives (and not know)?

"They're closing up the largest bridge in the world -- the biggest in the United States -- traffic flowing during rush hour," Trump continued. "People couldn't get across for six, seven hours. Ambulances. Fire trucks."

"They're with him all the time, the people that did it," he added. "They never said, 'Hey, boss, uh, we're closing up the George Washington Bridge.' No, they never said that, they're talking about the weather? Right?"

"He knew about it," Trump concluded. "He totally knew about it. He's got a very friendly group of people over there."

If any Trump people did have contacts with Russian officials during the presidential campaign, what's the likelihood Trump knew about it?

Conversations that could affect the biggest job in the United States; a friendly group of campaign people; they're talking about the weather? Right?