
Saturday, March 11, 2017

BIG SURPRISE: " Older, poorer Minnesotans would lose most under GOP plan."

You old? You poor? Go die.

Tell it to the old and/or poor rurals who vote Republican. Please.

Especially the demented hard-of-hearing ones. Please.

UPDATE: ASSHOLES Cosmic grade.

FURTHER UPDATE: Per that last link, (and please do remember I voted otherwise than for Emmer in CD6 where I live), there are some Minnesota Republicans smart enough to be trying to hide from the carnage, despite it being their party at the federal level pushing through Ryancare thievery - you decide, should they get away with only a letter; (letters being cheaper than action such as running next cycle against Emmer and/or Palsen and/or Lewis):

Seven GOP state senators on Wednesday wrote to Emmer and Minnesota’s two other Republican members of Congress, Reps. Erik Paulsen and Jason Lewis, warning that drastic cuts to Medicaid in the House proposal would decimate Minnesota’s health and human services budget.

“Please remind our good leaders in Washington that simply cutting the budget is not going to take away our responsibilities to the aged, those with disabilities and mental health needs, children and the poor,” the senators wrote. The letter was signed by Republican state Sens. Jim Abeler, Julie Rosen, Michele Benson, Paul Utke, Scott Jensen, Carla Nelson and Jerry Relph.

Democrats said millions would lose their health care if the measure becomes law. Rep. Keith Ellison, now deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said it would be “devastating” to working people.

“The reason they’ve always hated it is because it puts taxes on rich people which if they repeal it will be gone and rich people will get more money,” Ellison said. “The fact that this will subject people to bankruptcy and undermine Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid doesn’t seem to be a serious consideration of the Republican Party, but it is our concern.”

Jim Abeler, Michele Benson, et al., remember you don't have to live in the district you run for Congress in, so don't posture; prove it!