
Friday, January 13, 2017

This just in. One candidate for an open Regents seat had a sexual harassment situation 40 years in his past.

Strib here.

Does this leaven the Board, if he advances? There is some sense to the thought. He would not be a tounge clucker, as others might.

Strib reports 35 applicants for four open Board seats.

It must pay well. What's a Regent earn these days? We know a boat row sloganeering mantra and success at WMU gets $3.5 million a year - five years on the contract with buyout clauses cutting both ways; so $3.5 million is known (unless the team does not win leading to an early "nice having known you" or some other school buys Fleck mid-contract with more cash/aura/"culture"). We also know Hewitt's getting around $125,000 or more for being a behavior cop; so it's fair to ask, what's a Board seat pay?

Does any reader have that answer?

UPDATE: The Regents should be more than a place to park ex-legislators with a paycheck; so this man's differing background fits "diversity" political correctness; a point Strib does not make because it's on their news agenda page and not an op-ed.

FURTHER: People should read the Strib item and weigh the fact the Board candidate is candid about having conquered a drinking problem via will and having years of sobriety. Anybody reading either the short and candid police report or the 80 pages of EOAA output that led to punishment, or starting to, can see the woman involved sexually with multiple football playing partners did binge drinking at the start of her evening. Not at parties, allegedly, but before stepping out of her dwelling. Drinking is a problem and a regent understanding that might be a sound addition to the ex-legislators and others. The Regents seem to have scant answers about the problem; academic stress and stress release among young adults, via alcohol. It can be the start of the slippery slope of adult life impacts of an undesirable and counterproductive kind. Drinking is not a good thing, for body or mind or for coping in the real world. Also, one hopes that with diversity of backgrounds on the Board prejudgment of some things might be viewed with suitable skepticism. Policy by scapegoating and public shaming smacks of Puritanism, stocks and cucking stools, and as a society we ought to have outgrown that. Many have, and a university's policy ought to be enlightened and not Draconian. Row that boat.