
Monday, January 30, 2017

Punditry, three wise men. (blind mice?)

Each a video, each longer than ten minutes [longer than a tweet].

Here, here and here.

First is interesting, do watch. Chomsky is in the middle. Last one, the longest one, is top notch entertainment. Less of a pundit probe than a narrated good [money] fellas expose of power behind the throne. More Rasputin than Putin, (with the Russian not even mentioned). Good content once you get past the opening nuisance lead-in soundtrack.

Harold Hamilton likely is sleeping happy in his plush dog house, home of his widget factory where he ostensibly keeps his own dog headquartered, happy there given his overlap (word search "Bopp") with one of the names mentioned. Woof for a bit part in a bigger movie?

People are Strange. Morrison told you that. Trump, the Mercers, cabinet picks, all the pieces are put together in that last item; which would have been one hell of an insightful thing if published as an October surprise.

However, January 13, 2017, is the given date of origin by YouTube for that third item, so the benefit of hindsight is included. But aside from that, it is a very well constructed tale, which is much of what Internet content is all about. Also as with Morrison, strange personal passings, Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas, happened this election cycle; so readers join me in rejoicing that we still suck air.

Parting shot: Much of the theme of that third video is Mercer being a super hot-shot computing guru. Super hedge fund success. Hires a legion of PhD mathematicians and physicists to quant out the best market gambles. Do you suppose, as a possibility, some of that talent could hack and phish as well as a Cozy Bear?

We will never know.

Interesting too, Comey's FBI never got its forensics-analytics staff to touch and examine the DNC server - to have their direct actual chance to learn the Bear facts. Presumably Seth Rich had data access and a login and download trail on that server. Comey was claimed in "news" as blamed by Clinton-Podesta for a close electoral college loss, so such bias must be the complete reason the DNC wanted him and FBI staff to not have access to alleged Bear tracks, presumably also on that server.