
Saturday, January 07, 2017

If it had been me, I'd have honestly said a word or two about the money.

Strib here:

The 36-year-old Fleck, fresh off a 13-1 season at Western Michigan, signed a five-year, $18 million contract, with Minnesota also agreeing to pay up to $600,000 toward his buyout at WMU.

"People ask me all the time, why Minnesota?" Fleck said. "Because we share a vision of winning a national championship. We share a vision of winning the Big Ten West. We share a vision of winning the Big Ten and having Rose Bowls. And I'm not afraid to say that because that's the way I live my life."

Then I'd have added about how wonderful it is to build character among student athletes.

UPDATE: Reusse. One thing the man's tightly worded coverage omitted; Fleck, like Claeys and Kill, lost at sceason's end to Wisconsin. If you're a Minnesota sought after recruit, what's you gamble going to be? Rah-rah and Fleck, or Wisconsin if Wisconsin offers? May the MAC be with you.

FURTHER: Money detail. The sincere hope is the program prospers with Fleck. Seeing will be believing.