
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Declared DFL candidates for Governor, at present: Erin Murphy and Chris Coleman [UPDATED]

A press release email from the Murphy campaign, today, acknowledging the Coleman candidacy:

Rep. Erin Murphy Welcomes Mayor Chris Coleman To The Governor's Race

SAINT PAUL, MN – Today, Rep. Erin Murphy (DFL-64A), former MN House Majority Leader and 2018 DFL candidate for Governor, released the following statement on Saint Paul Mayor Chris Coleman's announcement that he will also seek the DFL nomination for Governor in 2018:

"Chris and I worked on legislative issues impacting St. Paul over the years and I've appreciated his work highlighting the city's successes. I welcome him to the race and look forward to discussions on how we can tackle the tough issues facing our state."

Coleman's declaring his candidacy today, KSTP reporting.

The Murphy email identified this campaign website:

Websearch for a Coleman site was unsuccessful, as of the date/time stamp of this Crabgrass post.

Presently these are the only known official candidates; with MPR having published a "likelihoods list" on Nov. 21; this link.

Readers familiar with any official filings are asked to send notice via a comment. Ditto for any campaign websites. Ditto for any Campaign Finance Board filings. This is a bipartisan request and then some. Notice of Republican candidacies shall be posted, as will any third party candidacies.

Candidates and/or campaign reps reading this post are urged to put Crabgrass on their press release e-mailing list; with thanks now to the Murphy campaign.

FURTHER: City Pages earlier reporting of Erin Murphy's official candidacy, here.

FURTHER: An earlier Dec. 1 press release from the Murphy campaign already flagged a key issue facing Dayton's successor:

SAINT PAUL, MN – Today, Rep. Erin Murphy (DFL-64A), former MN House Majority Leader and 2018 DFL candidate for Governor, released the following statement about Medica's decision to end their contracts as a managed care provider for MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance:

"Today's announcement that Medica plans to sever it's coverage for Minnesotans in MNCare and Medical Assistance represents another example where Minnesotans are left to scramble for care because insurers aren't making enough money. Insurers chose to bid for this business, to cover the care of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable Minnesotans and now plan to drop out to protect their bottom line. It's no good.

"Minnesotans deserve reliable, affordable coverage. If insurers aren't up to the task of that basic goal, then we must develop new and transparent purchasing models for coverage and direct contracting models with doctors, nurses and health delivery systems to assure reliable and affordable care when people get sick.

"Too much money is being spent in the health care industry at the expense of the health of Minnesotans. It's time for a fresh approach."

Does anyone disagree? Healthcare remains an issue with Murphy's generalized concerns being a helpful first note of possibilities beyond GOP do nothing and go back to what had failed miserably previously; a non-starter.

___________FURTHER UPDATE____________
The CFB has this list of recent filings, It speaks for itself, and does not yet post Coleman paperwork. Two other Governor candidates are noted, one DFL (Erin Murphy), one RPM (Christopher William Chamberlin). [hat tip to alert reader correcting mispelling of the last name; and apology to the candidate]

__________FINAL UPDATE__________
A new day, and the CFB site now has the Coleman paperwork online here.

Coleman's website, here.