
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

"The attendees, mostly from more right-leaning Jewish media, agreed with Hegseth that there was a weakening of support for Israel. One questioner admonished the speaker that Americans are tired of foreign wars, but Hegseth was insistent that Americans have to be willing to shoulder the burden. “Those like me went multiple times to confront realities of Islamic terror [but ended up with] outcomes in Iraq and Syria that we didn’t want them to be,” said Hegseth. He sees an emboldened Bashar Assad in Syria, Iranian influence in Baghdad and an Obama who is “allergic” to commitment to Iraq. “You have to utterly crush and defeat ISIS… ruthlessly wage war against it…you have to understand the ideological nature of the enemy.” "


What did he do while stationed at Guantanamo? Did he work counterinsurgency in Iraq with Col. Steele? Who is this guy to be Pontificating, when clearly he's nobody's Pontiff? Self appointed. Self anointed. Not that Roger Ailes made only this one mistake.

Pete's okay with me.
Ratings ring fine. No 'splaining due.

Crush ISIS with every fiber of the heart and soul of every aspect, bureau, and operative of Hegseth's True America?

Who is he kidding? Not enough fault to go around to reach the CIA? Just, some fault, and let him allocate.

Not Michael Moore's "Roger & Me."

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Telegraph, with a thought we'd wish of Hegseth:

Frank Wolf, a US congressman who represents the district that contains CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, is one of 150 members of Congress for a new investigation into the failures in Benghazi.

"I think it is a form of a cover-up, and I think it's an attempt to push it under the rug, and I think the American people are feeling the same way," he said. "We should have the people who were on the scene come in, testify under oath, do it publicly, and lay it out. And there really isn't any national security issue involved with regards to that."

Indeed. Would there really be any "national security issue" with Hegseth showing up somewhere to testify under oath about his background and service activities when he was gung ho, boots on ground? It would only help flesh out the character of the man to see that done.