
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

"Thank you for your love and your support and your friendship and your knocking on doors, making phone calls, practically living in our campaign headquarters," Wasserman Schultz told supporters who gathered for her election night party at Sunrise Commissioner Joey Scuotto's pizza restaurant in Sunrise. Serving in Congress is "the greatest professional privilege of my life, the chance to be our community's voice, the chance to stand up for the principles and values that our community stands for."

image source

Fed up? If you are a progressive with a mindset against two party entrenchment's prosperity, you should be fed up.

Headline from here. Atlantic, here.

It's enough to make one vote for Trump. Almost enough. That'd be hardcore disappointment/disillusionment.

Too old for disillusionment, disapponment previals here. The Crabgrass prospered, and choked off sanity.

Moving on . . .