
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Jill Stein on CSPAN's Washington Journal.

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Transcript link. Via that link the video can be viewed from within the site or by launching a standalone browser window view, from the site.

Any reader having further trouble is encouraged to try one or more of the sidebar linked Green Party - Jill Stein items.

Bloomberg, i.e., a mainstream outlet finally reports on a Bernie-to-Green mood shift, this link, and an excerpt:

Restive Bernie Sanders Backers ‘Feel the Bern’ in Jill Stein -- by Terrence Dopp, July 25, 2016 — 9:37 PM EDT

[...] Several hundred people gathered on a hillside in FDR park to hear Stein speak in a white tent as the afternoon stretched to evening and a thunderstorm gathered. In her remarks, Stein accused the Democratic Party of undermining Sanders’s campaign.

"They did much more than say bad things -- they sabotaged a truly revolutionary campaign," Stein told the crowd, moments before the rally was dispersed by rain. "We have news for them. We’re not going away, we’re only getting stronger."

Inside the Wells Fargo Center, though, comedian Sarah Silverman -- a Sanders supporter -- told his supporters to back Clinton. "You’re being ridiculous," she said to holdouts.
‘Never Hill’

Sanders’s supporters erupted in jeers almost from the moment the Democratic convention was called to order Monday, ignoring pleas from their candidate to avoid protests and threatening to undo the party’s carefully crafted display of unity. Outside, demonstrators marched down Broad Street toward the convention site, and about 1,000 protestors rallied behind 10-foot black metal fences.

Police patrolled the scene on bikes and in helicopters, and the demonstrators remained peaceful.

At a pro-Sanders rally earlier in the day, chants included "Hillary Will Lose!" and what has become a common the refrain at protests across Philadelphia: "Hell No DNC, We Won’t Vote For Hillary!"