
Friday, June 17, 2016

From a headline we can foresee Paul Ryan as believing his GOP colleagues will be wholly rudderless with regard to questions surrounding Donald Trump.

This link.

Whatever the scorn some have toward Trump, there will be good arising too from his presumptive candidate status when his party convenes in Cleveland to nominate him to run under their banner for President:

While the host committee says it is on track for funding, other big-name donors plan to skip out on the Cleveland event, too. David Koch, one of the biggest backers in Tampa, announced that he and his brother Charles will not fund this year’s convention, and a number of major GOP figureheads, including both former presidents Bush and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), have said they won’t be attending.

[link in original - image from linked item] What better backdrop than a warship?

Rudderless, or just mothballed?

(The ship that is.)