
Sunday, June 05, 2016

DFL convenes state-wide: "Early on, delegates approved a nonbinding resolution that says the state DFL Party 'supports the elimination or reform' of the 'super delegates' system. The motion passed 552 to 480."

SUPERDELEGATES? Get rid of that obscene abomination against popular opinion and potential reform. Doing it yesterday being better than today, today being better than tomorrow. Bless the Bernie delegates for getting that resolution passed. Superdelegate stuff stinks. End it. It is undemocratic.

Headline quote is from Strib, online here.

Also get rid of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Yesterday being better than today, today being better than tomorrow.

She's toxic.

Back to superdelegates, who cooked up that intrusion into good sense? Clinton people? Obama people? Debbie all alone in a characteristic brain fart? Who?