
Friday, June 17, 2016

Confusion in a war horse suggests it is past time to pasture.

WaPo, within a laughable context, publishes:

McCain, who lost to Obama in the 2008 presidential election, is seeking a sixth term in the Senate this year and faces a competitive Republican primary in August.

The likely Democratic nominee in the race, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, issued a statement Thursday saying McCain “cross[ed] a dangerous line in comments that undermine our Commander in Chief on national security issues — at the very moment the president was in Orlando to comfort victims’ families.”

“It’s difficult to imagine the old John McCain being this reckless with something so serious,” the statement said. “John McCain has changed after 33 years in Washington.”

That is a generic enough statement to stand on its own. For those demanding a context, the item is titled, "John McCain: Obama is ‘directly responsible’ for Orlando attack - -By Mike DeBonis June 16 at 3:59 PM."

Anything for the 33 long years in beltway banter, to get away from, "Your guy really is going to be Donald Trump, isn't he?" A younger McCain, years ago, would have said "Hillary Clinton ..." because Obama is yesterday's hero.

Clearly, Clinton's Libya = Mateen's murders. As clear as Obama's Iraq Shutdown = Mateen's murders.

The logic is fit for pasturing, and there is that unnamed primary challenger WaPo mentioned, as well as a named Dem general election contestant.

33 years in beltway give and take. Most of the student loan sufferers have not even been sucking air 33 years, and McCain punts on any of their distress; business as usual being McCain as usual. Pasture him.

In the fine Trumpian tradition of genuineness and quality, a suggestion for a TV weekly show, "Ask the Admiral," (being Trumpian even so far as exagerating the highest military rank McCain attained), where things are asked of the gentleman, with suitable preamble, such as:

The question for the Admiral then being, "Your guy really is going to be Donald Trump, isn't he?"

image of excerpted online reporting is from here