
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Shameful dissembling Clinton camp garbage.

Strib carrying something it dredged up in California's Central Valley, and should be ashamed for printing.

The Clintons have had all the privileges career politicians who show themselves very ethically challenged when money's on the table can have.

This link. What's wrong with this picture: Whining surrogates, keening that Bernie would be scapegoated for a Clinton loss, despite the distasteful Clinton personas, and the inclusion of the likes of Debbie Wasserman Schultz in their plans and schemes; along with inner party Dems who simply know insufficent levels of shame themselves.

What's right with that pile? Zippo.

That said, this dissembling link. Someone should tell that arrogant candidate thinking she's somehow privileged by some divine hand to an easy candidacy without questions of ethical matters, "you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone."

Lady, don't know how to swim? Not my problem. I'm an independent. Not in hock to any situation.

Do not start to scapegoat Bernie for the flaws in others.

It is indelicate. It offends. It makes folks stay home in cold November.