
Friday, May 20, 2016

Howe to make the CD2 Republican primary a three-way contest; any friend of Freedom Club is no friend of mine.

Coverage at The Uptake, including a video, with this text included:

Republican John Howe [...] announced he would run in the primary despite losing the Republican endorsement for Minnesota’s second congressional district to Jason Lewis earlier this month. Darlene Miller has also indicated she is running [in] the Republican primary.

Howe called Lewis “a fatally flawed candidate” and [...] Unlike Lewis, he doesn’t wholeheartedly endorse the apparent Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, but said he wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton.

Asked about Lewis’ support of “bathroom bills” that discriminate against transgender people, Howe said he did not agree with him on that issue.

The winner of the primary will face Democrat Angie Craig in the fall.

Peggy Scott - Freedom Club
That cabal of west-metro elitists, with a metastasized Champlin presence, besides pumping the Aplikowski brand against Jim Abeler and savaging Abler in a pro-Aplikowski mailing this past special election to fill the vacated SD35 seat; has embraced homophobe Peggy Scott by donation, and that might ring well with some folks, but it unpins my BS meter, which already had been unpinned a time or two by Scott's conduct/statements/activities. This BallotPedia link, five hundred bucks to Scott's candidacy in 2012 - not that much, not every election - but it's the thought that counts. Freedom Club to my mind embodies and represents all that is worse with right wingers and their swagger in Minnesota.

UPDATE: Readers may note the BallotPedia item does not list 2014 data; so reader help needed: in 2014, did Freedom Club subsidize the Scott candidacy, and if so, how many bucks?