
Monday, April 04, 2016

The SD35 DFL's future.

Briefly, an encouraging thing at the weekend caucus/convention was that young people not only showed up but stood to become party delegates to move onward to Congressional District and State DFL conventions.

Some might challenge the conclusion that support of the Sanders populist-fairness candidacy was a key factor in such a development, but here that is a conclusion posted. Readers can make of it what they will. Another conclusion, this infusion of youth is a very good thing. For myself, remaining years still sucking air, I can put up with almost anything DC does to us.

These young people and their offspring are the ones who will have to live with whatever DC does to us. They should not only have a voice, they should have key voices. It's their world, moving on. The Minnesota DFL must, for its survival and prosperity, be as generous to such an entry by younger citizens as it can; and if it is, and these people are encourage not discouraged, good will result as surely as rain falls to the earth.