
Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Morning chuckle. Brought to you by npr.

This link. Most readers can infer the body of the report from its headline. Making it all easier, opening words of the report:

It must have seemed a straightforward way to honor a Supreme Court justice who was famous for, among other things, prizing straightforwardness. But then people began to titter about the unintended acronym of the Antonin Scalia School of Law – and now George Mason University has tweaked the name.

The new name for the institution in Fairfax, Va., will be the Antonin Scalia Law School, says law school dean Henry N. Butler, citing "some acronym controversy on social media" as the reason for the change. The name will become final in July, pending approval by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

In another sign of fallout from the renaming, the university is now looking at how to accommodate law school students who don't want Scalia's name on their diplomas, Butler said. [...]

Would you want that Scalia name anywhere near your's?


Much less on a costly hard earned diploma? I'd not.