
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Is a bent paddle something like a curved hockey stick? Aside from that, news from the north gets more curious.

Latest Silver Bay City Council development reported here. Bent Paddle responds online to an earlier municipal boycott spite. This web search link. The Downstream Business Coalition's home page

and Facebook page.

Coalition membership list.

Aside from all that, they brew good but pricey beer. In cans, drink from a glass. The Surly way, they being pricey and in cans too.

In addition Bent Paddle has higher quality politics and beer than Coors; where the latter advertises clean water while Bent Paddle goes a step further.

UPDATE: Are considerations of IRRRB policy and practices related to the above? Two links, one partisan Republican, the other analytical Aaron Brown posting, here and here. Re the first Republican aimed item, Gary is having his pledge week, and Republicans should pay attention and contribute.