
Tuesday, April 05, 2016

2016 college men's basketball final. 'Nova wins.

My guys won.
It was about as good, close, and well played a game as any fan not having any strong allegiance to either school, but liking good basketball, might have wanted. It likely was hard for buzzer-beater Michael Jordan, shown in attendance wearing a nice Nike Air Jordan blue sweater, but he is positioned at least to write off his travel and attendance expenses for tax purposes, as his and the Wizards corporation's "scouting." Lead changes added to things, with North Carolina winning the first half and fighting against a sizable mid-period deficit in the second. With the frequent breaks for merchants to huckster us neither team needed a really deep bench to spell exhausted starters via a full second unit, but with the tight refereeing foul trouble substitutions added to the charm. Down to the final shot - the merchants booking late game huckstering time must have loved that. Presumably the same merchants likely are averse to booking late game time slots in the soon to be contested women's final; U. Conn. vs somebody.