
Friday, March 11, 2016

Clinton email continues to be a subject of media attention; with some politicians keeping it so.

The Monitor, in a current online carried AP item titled, " Democratic lawmakers criticize Clinton email investigations," (by Michael Biesecker & Deb Riechmann, Associated Press March 10, 2016), fleshes out a politicians' letter laying groundwork for claims of inspector general bias on two fronts.

The subheadline the Monitor supplied, "By suggesting the investigations are unfair, they run the risk of providing fodder to GOP lawmakers calling for a special prosecutor to be assigned to the case."

This link. Same topic, WaPo, here.

With Leahy, interestingly a Dem Senator from Vermont, being a letter co-signator, he adds credibility to the letter content.

Neither item posts nor links to an online pdf of the actual letter at issue. Maninstream media, at its best.

If any reader discovers an online letter copy and takes time to post a comment with a link, it would be appreciated.