
Sunday, December 13, 2015

ABC NEWSPAPERS REPORTS: "Linwood Township wins conservation award Published December 11, 2015 at 12:20 pm By Alice Pickering"

This link. Some related watershed district content, here, here, here, and here. Actions by such joint powers watershed management organizations are quasi-government units whose actions impact development and land use. They are part of wise resource use and restrictions, along with PCA, DNR and the soil conservation districts.

The item begins:

The Anoka Conservation District selected Linwood Township to receive the 2015 Outstanding Conservation Award. Jamie Schurbon and Vici Nass, representing the Anoka County Conservation District, made the presentation during the Town Board’s Nov. 24 meeting.

Factors contributing to selection for the award included strong support and participation in the Anoka County recycling programs, rain gardens established and maintained, carp barriers installed, work in cooperation with the Martin Lakers to control invasive species, and active participation in the Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization. The largest portion of the Sunrise River watershed lies within Linwood Township.

There is more online, again, this link.