
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sometimes one can find common ground with a "conservative."

Dismissing Tom Emmer and Vin Weber as limited and compromised lightweights, inconsequential and banal, each full of himself and unwilling to see why dissatisfaction exists in the populace - anyone expanding on that somewhat obvious theme cannot be all bad. Adding Larry Jacobs into that pair making a troika seems appropriate too.

However, the problem is that none of the three is inconsequential. Each has consequences, and consequences can be good or bad - that's a matter of perspective.

Gilmore, here and here.

With regard to Jacobs, the term "Political Science" is an insult to science. It is akin to saying "Social Science," when the term used in my high school curriculum was more appropriate, "social studies."

Abigale Whelan has her political science degree. The proof is in the pudding.

One part of one of the cited Gilmore posts begs expansion:

Michele Bachmann is said to be actively trying to find someone to run against Emmer in the primary. Like so much of her career, this strikes me as a fool's errand. Tom is going to continue to suck up to the liberal establishment and get stroked in public for it. He practically purrs out loud. He'll turn to his voters in the district and bully them into another term. And another and another.

When he appeared at the MinnPost Roast earlier this year he disparaged his Tea Party critics to the hoots and hollers of the assembled brain dead liberals. I attempted to procure the video of that portion of his appearance but it was wisely not released by that so called media outlet.

Yet respect is key, he told his Humphrey School audience.

The man's head size has gotten even bigger since going to DC, respect being something having to be earned, but what's that part about Michele Bachmann being afoot? Does she miss the attention of press and public, or worry Emmer will be raptured before her? Upset Pawlenty got the banker roundtable cash flow and she left office and got zilch? Dusting off the old bullhorn for mischief of one kind or another?

In short, Republican friends, what's up with Ms. Yesterday's News?

Is it simply times and tastes changing in the big elephant tent, and an "attention deficit" disorder of a different kind than the term normally covers?

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________
I think Peggy Scott would be a perfect candidate for Bachmann to convince to run against Emmer.

Rhonda, she's had her one strike, and the GOP locally operates on one-strike-and-out.

Warts and all, Rhonda was a better option than big-head Emmer, but the voters felt otherwise, and they hold sway. Mr. Emmer went to Washington, and languished comfortably in his role.