
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Courthouse News Service: Block on NSA Spying Put to En Banc D.C. Circuit - By TIM RYAN

Online here. This is Larry Klayman's case. Reading the post it appears Klayman seeks an appellate en banc hearing, but it is unclear whether the D.C. Circuit will grant one.

Klayman quoted within the news service item:

Klayman announced Monday evening that he wants the full D.C. Circuit to review the stay, saying "even one day that the Constitution is violated is one day too much."

"Now, obviously gun-shy after the Paris terrorist attacks, the appeals court has again put its head in the sand and not stood up for the privacy rights of We the People," Klayman said in a statement. "Importantly, as Judge Leon pointed out, the Obama [administration] and his NSA had not been able to show, on the court record that its mass surveillance stopped even one terrorist attack, here or overseas."

If the record does indeed show no proof of effectiveness, it not only breaches privacy, but is wasteful, and in Matt Look terminology, NSA intrusions represent a government want, not a need.

The NSA since Klayman first filed suit has remained the NSA, doing as the NSA does. It was a hell of a job they did in Paris. How can you argue against that?

Some of the media editorialize one way, some the other. Readers may think as they like, while I agree with media opinion.