
Sunday, October 25, 2015

"Republican Jeb Bush's struggling presidential campaign is cutting salaries across the board and reducing staff in a money-saving effort intended to concentrate resources on early voting states, an internal memo said on Friday. The memo, seen by Reuters, said payroll costs were being slashed by 40 percent and staff at the campaign's Miami headquarters drastically cut back with some workers offered positions at reduced pay in states that vote early in the nominating process, such as New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada. The move follows a dramatic fall in Republican voters' support for Bush's attempt to secure his party's nomination for the November 2016 election and to become the third member of the famous Bush family to win the White House."

Death rattles of John Ellis Bush's present ambitions? We can hope, but it looks like a midstream change of horses, possibly in pursuit of more energetic staff to bolster a low energy campaign/persona.

This Reuters link, for the headline quoting in context.

Meanwhile, here, a different GOP contender is critical of the entire SuperPAC situation, something you will not see the Bush family criticizing:

Reuters -- Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:43pm EDT - Republican Trump calls on White House rivals to drop Super PACs
- WASHINGTON, By Erin McPike

[...]While Trump disavowed Super PACs, a prominent supporter of his launched one this week. Billionaire investor Carl Icahn said Wednesday he was putting $150 million toward a new group to raise money to fight corporate "inversions" by pushing for legislation to change the tax code.

The Make America Great Again PAC said it would shut down after the Washington Post reported that one of its employees, Mike Ciletti, contacted a Trump employee to obtain information for potential donors. That would violate rules preventing coordination between campaigns and Super PACs.

Trump's campaign also asked all of the super PACs claiming to support the real estate mogul stop raising money and return funds to donors. The letters, sent on Wednesday, say the PACs do not have authorization to use Trump's likeness, according to his campaign.

Republican operatives close to Trump believe he will be hit with attack ads in the coming months, and they think calling on rivals to drop their Super PACs could pre-empt those attacks, a person close to Trump said.

Things candidates say these days are so genuine in content and motivation that who are we, as citizens, to be either critical, or disbelieving?

Readers decide. Does the image relate to the Bush candidate's staff cuts,
or to the Trump candidate's eschewing SuperPAC influence?