
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Jeb Bush and other candidates are trying to turn the tide in a campaign that is dominated so far by provocative rhetoric that has played to the strengths of Trump, a bombastic reality television star and developer, and Carson, a soft-spoken surgeon who has been gaining support in opinion polls. The two-hour debate, moderated in Boulder, Colorado, by business network CNBC, will begin at 8 p.m. EDT Wednesday. With Trump and Carson holding a firm grip on the race in polls of likely Republican voters for the November 2016 election, the forum comes at an increasingly perilous time for lower-ranking candidates. Former Florida Governor Bush, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, Ohio Governor John Kasich, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie are under pressure to shake up a race [...]"

"Provocative rhetoric" indeed.

Is that what it is called? And, is that the opposite of low energy?

And, you "lower ranking candidates" let's see you liven up yourselves. Shake up a race. You hear? That headline is a quote from a Reuters online item.

Same Reuters item also says,

Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Florida Senator Marco Rubio also need solid performances to build on recent momentum.

Officials from several rival campaigns said they believe the debate could help make Trump and Carson less popular if they are shown to lack knowledge of the intricacies of policy.

“If they run this thing well and push people to see if they're smart on the economy and job creation and how fiscal restraint fits into that, you could finally start separating the sheep from the goats on an important issue," said an official in the campaign of one of the Republicans vying against Trump.

Rand Paul not mentoined. A Halloween and then what situation when you fall off the bottom of the list atop Rick Santorum.

For those unwilling to read long headlines, Republicans debate, again this evening - go back through the post for time and network. They do this, they do - time after time, yet again, yet again. The evening high tide rearranges the driftwood, some swept to sea. Another tide will come.

Do not forget the NBA season opens, Wolves against Lakers [both Minnesota teams ...] matched up this evening in the current hometown team's first game of the season - on the road in LA, where the Lakers now play.

Likely televised locally.