
Friday, October 30, 2015

Guess who?

The quote from an Elkhart Indiana online report names names, and thereby does tell you what you might have guessed, in context if you only read the final paragraph of the quote.

The project addresses the need for high-end housing not only for young professionals, but also empty-nesters who want to downsize.

Rent for studio apartments will start at $700 dollars per month and go up to $1200 per month for two-bedroom units.

”What we do fits very well with what we view as the mayor's vision for downtown Elkhart and what we think a lot of the citizens want here. That is really to put a focus on downtown, where you bring people back downtown,” said David Flaherty, CEO, Flaherty & Collins.

Before the project can officially start, funding needs to be finalized. Some of that money will need to come from TIF funds.

First and last paragraphs of the quote - a dead giveaway. Our Indiana developer friends: Friends of leveraging other people's money to their benefit.

Parallel coverage, The Elkhart Truth, here. with a rendering, here.