
Saturday, September 05, 2015

Who do you figure she's listening to, and how do you read the body language?

Forest Lake Times, source of the cropped image, reports:

Emmer opened the forum by saying that he had not fully grasped his calling before getting to Congress; however, he now realizes his mission is to aid Minnesota in global trade. He was tapped to serve on the House Committee on Financial Services (and a subcommittee on trade and monetary policy).

The Sauk Rapids business owner was in Forest Lake to ask for Emmer’s support in requiring equivalent sales taxes for Internet or online sales. Working in automotive parts and service, the woman said her staff can put hours of work into a job for any potential client, but often that preparation is lost when clients eventually make online orders with out-of-state companies not subject to the same taxes.

Emmer said he supported ideas in the proposed Marketplace Fairness Act that would protect local businesses and restore their level playing field.

“I’m told that it would keep states in charge,” he said of the bill. “Our federal government is way too big and way too invested.”

Bill Cooper and Stan Hubbard - were they there to applaud? Cargill, Cargill, Cargill. Oh, you folks, too ...

First, "calling," and "mission," are highly inappropriate usages, where "job" is the applicable, simple, descriptive word. And do you figure he's doing the job as those who voted for him expected (instead of voting DFL, for the sincere appearing Sartell mayor)?

Next, global trade as a key first mentioned priority, with that seat Bachmann also held on the Financial Services committee now his, the Wall Street seat; and, what? “Our federal government is way too big and way too invested.”

Bloviating out of both sides of his mouth, but what else did you ever expect?

What do you suppose Stan Hubbard expected, and do you believe Hubbard might like what his backing got us?

UPDATE: Aside from the text in the linked report, study the image. The faces. Is the crowd sensing buyer's remorse? Do they deserve it for what they did each with the one vote each had? As to the wrap-up paragraph of that report, there is this from here:

General Bullmoose: Al Capp created General Bullmoose in June 1953 as the epitome of a ruthless capitalist. Bullmoose’s motto “What’s good for General Bullmoose is good for the USA!” was adapted by Capp from a statement made by Charles E. Wilson, the former head of General Motors and Secretary of Defense under President Dwight Eisenhower. In 1952 Wilson told a Senate subcommittee, “What is good for the country is good for General Motors, and what’s good for General Motors is good for the country.” Li’l Abner became embroiled in many implausible but hilarious adventures with the cold-hearted Bullmoose over the years

General whatever, in the over stuffed suit in front of spectators.