
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Strib/AP heading into GOP session 2, notes Trump and Carson, with Bush and Walker at single digit poll ratings.

Heading into Wednesday night's second debate of the GOP contest, Carson finds himself alongside Trump atop the field.

A New York Times/CBS News poll released Tuesday shows Carson favored by 23 percent of likely Republican primary voters compared to Trump's 27 percent. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, meanwhile, have plummeted to 6 percent and 2 percent respectively.

It should be noted the poll found that 63 percent said they could change their minds before the primaries begin with the Iowa caucuses in February.

Yet it was just one of several in recent days that feature the political rookies Trump and Carson leading a field of veterans of elected office, offering the clearest example yet that Republican voters have deep frustrations with the political establishment.

It shows in Carson's fundraising, too. His campaign says it has raised $5 million so far this month, adding to the $9 million it pulled in during July and August — a strong performance at what is typically one of the hardest times for candidates to raise money.

This link.

Unfamiliar with format for GOP2, will there be the same top ten hits with the poll trailers as a warm-up act format?

It drew ratings for FOX. A guess is it will be the same approach this time, television being what it is. Picking Wednesday as the likeliest day of the week to not have competing football broadcasts.

Also, Strib/WaPo, here, on Clinton woes. A year from now things might matter more as to a general election between the two-party offerings, such as they may stand at that point.