
Thursday, September 24, 2015

SD 35 Senator Branden Petersen moves forward his exit from the legislature by intending a early resignaion, triggering a special election.

Strib local coverage is online, here.

Coverage is thorough and readers are encourged to access and read the item. Briefly, it states in part:

Petersen earlier this summer announced he would not seek re-election next year, and a handful of candidates have already filed to run for his seat. They include former state Rep. Jim Abeler and GOP activists Andy Aplikowski and Donald Huizenga.

[...] The 29-year-old Republican was first elected to the House in 2010 and to the Senate in 2012. His support for same-sex marriage in 2013 angered Republicans in his district who said at the time that they felt blindsided by his decision.

Petersen said his decision to step down would ensure his constituents are well-served. "The constituents are better served when someone is there and not focused on the next thing," he said.

Petersen earned a reputatation [sic] in the Senate for his libertarian bent, at times breaking with his caucus on issues.

Presumably a special election will yield a seniority advantage to the elected individual, over others who may be first term Senators via the 2016 general election.

We all should wish Petersen and family well as they move into other life considerations.