
Friday, September 04, 2015

RAMSEY: And "The Growth Ponzi Scheme;" a/k/a - They get a tech park with good, quality jobs, from Flaherty and Collins. We got butt-ugly housing, and with it Darren, and we should not forget the politicians who got Ramsey and Darren tied into a contract favorable to Darren.

Remember that at the time of Darren's initial involvement in Ramsey affairs Mike Jungbauer was handing out his Landform water project expert business cards, and Matt Look was at the time on the city council and close with Jungbauer; airplane ownership at a later time aside.

As to the tech park beneficiaries in Bloomington, Indiana, where presumably the politicians have a better view of community benefit than seeking a Nirvana of crammed-tight housing sans good jobs; this item, online. Whether Ramsey would have the appeal for a tech park of a college town such as Bloomington, Indiana, is a separate question from what goals might benefit us, here; vs be goals of Met Council selling transit and flushes.

Met Council servicing their sewer project debt should be their worry, not ours; and the weight of comp plans and the threat of being Lake Elmo'ed, should be faced with courage, not tepid defeatist compliance. See, e.g., earlier crabgrass posting, here.

And what of the term, "The Growth Ponzi Scheme?" This link.