
Monday, September 14, 2015

Often an oligopolostic market is noticed by the several players wanting to project product differentiation based on product feature advertising rather than competing on actual quality or price.

Strib/AP item stating:

Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker on Monday will [...] propose eliminating unions for employees of the federal government, making all workplaces right-to-work unless individual states vote otherwise, scrapping the federal agency that oversees unfair labor practices and making it more difficult for unions to organize.

Many of Walker's proposals are focused on unions for workers at all levels of government, while others would also affect private-sector unions. Labor law experts said such an effort, if successful, would substantially reduce the power of organized labor in America. [...] The goal, Walker said, is "to achieve fairness and opportunity for American workers."

[...] Experts were taken aback by the scope of Walker's proposals, which seek to undo decades of law and would gut the landmark National Relations Labor Act — adopted in 1935 and signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the height of the Great Depression.

[...] His decision to focus on fighting unions at the national level comes as Walker seeks to gain momentum for a presidential campaign that has fallen behind following billionaire businessman Donald Trump's rise to the top of early opinion polls. And some of Walker's comments drew derision — such as when he said earlier this month that he's not a career politician, even though he's been in office since he was 25 years old.

[...] Walker, 47, says he intends to be more aggressive in next week's second GOP debate, while insisting he isn't concerned about his standing in the race.

"None of this intimidates us," Walker said at a recent campaign appearance. "I think if people are looking for someone who is truly going to shake things up and wreak havoc on Washington, they want someone who's got real solutions and someone who is truly tested. I'm the only one on that stage that fits the bill."

Oligopolostic market? One product's features? Not a career politician, despite years from age 25 to 47 on the public's payroll, and while not a career politician, instead "... someone who is truly tested."

The most differentiated of the bunch so far is Rick Perry.

UPDATE: Leading item of several, GOP desktop/tablet "candidate" wallpaper.