
Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Have either Scott Walker or Marco Rubio ever held a job besides career politician/public servant?

As noted in earlier posts, Walker sought out Minnesota Republican politician Kurt Daudt as his Minnesota liaison.

Ditto, Rubio, with Jeff Johnson. Politicians seeking out like kind.

Now, Rubio is to come to town to shake a money tree, Johnson likely assisting on preparing the RSVP list, Strib stating online:

Rubio will be at the Minneapolis Club on Thursday, Sept. 10 for a lunchtime fundraiser. A VIP reception will cost attendees $1,000 a person, followed by lunch at $500 a head. No public appearances are planned as part of the visit.

The event is co-hosted by Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson, who is the state chairman for the Rubio campaign; Andy Brehm, a Minneapolis attorney and former Republican operative; and Nicholas Conant, a Wells Fargo financial advisor.

Among the field of 17 Republican presidential candidates, Rubio has signaled he intends to compete in Minnesota's March 1 presidential caucus.

Will Norm be there? Representing himself, and representing Vin? Rubio seems smooth, in the Coleman mold. Tim? Will he attend? It certainly would be nice if the press were given a guest list.