
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

When you cannot get what you want, you often can get the better of a bleak situation - the right person running for one of two possible local political offices.


It would be nice if Jim Abeler were to run for County Board District 1, he'd be good there.

Given his years in the Minnesota House, and the Senate SD35 vacancy, he'd be good there.


What I'd want, Abeler, or the substantial equivalent, in each role.

Well one person, two offices, the rules are against that SO ...

Abeler might pick one or the other. So far there is a dearth of candidates announced for the Senate seat Branden Petersen vacated, and again, Abeler has a proven record. And if Abeler were to seek that seat, somebody else surely could step forward to take a chance at improving representation on the County Board.

That was my thinking. And now there is fine online news.

ABC Newspapers, here, reports:

Abeler considers run for State Senate seat -- Published August 8, 2015 at 8:00 am

Former State Representative Jim Abeler announced that he is actively exploring a 2016 run for the Senate District 35 seat being vacated by the retiring Sen. Brandon Peterson. The Senate district includes Anoka, Ramsey, Andover, and northern Coon Rapids. Abeler has established an exploratory committee.

“I was able to strongly represent my district during my 16 years in the Minnesota House,” said Abeler. “Our area needs an experienced voice in St. Paul, one who knows how to get things done. I am certain I would be effective from day one in addressing our people’s needs.”

I believe I have an email address where I can contact Jim to see who chairs that exploratory committee, and how to make out the campaign contribution check.

I trust Abeler to do as sound a job as he did in the Minnesota House, if he will run. I encourage readers to submit comments to Crabgrass to encourage Abeler to do it.

He'd have a different leadership in his party to deal with than before. If he runs and then as is likely wins, he would not have the seniority he built and used well in the House; but this is good news that deserves encouragement.

Now I know another person, another Republican actually, who would be a good new face on the County Board, but he has a full time day job, not being an intermittent printer. He'd likely need encouragement from others also. I can suggest it, even nag about it since I again believe I have the proper and active email address to reach the person; but unless and until the person decides the question is nothing beyond a hypothetical. It would be someone with experience already in local government, not an entire newbie nor one who only has been a party official without ever before having faced an electorate.

Gosh, I'd even like to see that person if not wanting to run for the County Board to instead decide on a GOP primary challenge in HD35A. I believe it would be a trustworthy upgrade.

But back to eyes on the prize, please readers, consider how beneficial it would be, having Jim Abeler as our Senate District person on the hilltop in St. Paul.

This is good news. No two ways about it.

But in this instance I think the County Board District 1 might be the better place. The need is there.