
Saturday, July 04, 2015

July 4 - Insurrection Day. British banking and capital ruled, garrisoned soldiers policed and enforced. Taxes were unfairly imposed, colonists being treated as resources to be used to enhance a distanced elite.

I recognize the elite.
I shall communicate.
And the lesson of history is?

Shut up, follow what the boss says, show up for work on time?

Pick either party? Not "any," but "either." There only are two.

Say, "God's will," when the system is screwing you?

Go along to get along?

The nail that stands up gets hammered down?

George Washington rode a horse so the guy on the horse must be Washingtonian?

At least the British impositions during colonial times did not include "Corporations are people same as humans." American ingenuity cooked up that hummer. Whose geniuses? Yours? Somebody else's?