
Monday, June 29, 2015

What about moving one of the two heads having a troublesome discussion at Zygiland?

This link. If you are looking to park a politician, isn't MNsure fine as a parking lot? Dayton has chums. Probably more than before up North after his handling of his positions, as stated and/or as they actually were, in end of session games. Park a Ranger at MNsure? Ensure lean successful management?

Someone from the IRRRRRRRRRRB board? RRRRukavina? (The more R's the merrier)

UPDATE: Dayton called DC a cesspool and then he does not recognize end of session/extra session for what it was and his role in making it so? Self-awareness is helpful in politicians, when it is ever found. He, Daudt and Bakk cut deals each found satisfactory and no story other than that floats.

FURTHER UPDATE: Good luck to folks on this hummer. It is an opportunity for Dayton, one he may view as a vexation.