
Sunday, June 07, 2015

Tom Kukielka, and a bet the name might not ring a bell.

T.K. in the news, here. Raising the normal question, "Who dat?"

Start at official title and hit on the taxpayer financed payroll (click thumbnail to read):

2013 data, this link

Currently T.K. holds the identical title, while only the actual duties and pay check amount may have in the interim escalated.

Knopff is the only other six-figure hitter on that list screencapture segment, and he looks to be a legit 30+ year civil servant.

Republicans must be familiar with T.K. given past MnGOP web posting, where MnGOP's spin of a DFL party embarrassment included this:

The [$100,000 Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board] fine centered on illegal coordination regarding photos and flyers; what else might they have cheated on?

Did this illegal activity, over $300,000 worth, influence the outcome of these State Senate elections? (one of the 13 Democrats won their Senate race by just 80 votes)

As the Chair of the Senate Democrat Caucus campaign committee, what role did Majority Leader Tom Bakk play in these illegal expenditures and will there be any discipline for his employees Tom Kukielka and Vic Thorstenson, state employees who each played a role in this scandal?

[italics added] Okay, GOP mavens reading this post, what more detail can you by comments provide about the T.B and T.K. role playing in that? You posed the question back in December 2013, so have you pursued any answer or was that italicized text just taking a freebie sling of some mud? Did you really care for an answer, and if so, what answer does MnGOP have? The public deserves to know, even if MnGOP mavens no longer care.

MinnPost, here, note who got top billing, then count how many times the word "Bakk" appears, and can you say "spoils system, Iron Range style?"

Well the DFL Senators did vote to kick the can down the road as the Big Iron Ranger instructed, so fault arguably is a shared collective thing; yet reform is always possible for people having an upward sloping learning curve; and we should guess a lesson has been learned.

Closing, as to screencaptures, more of the same (PoliticsInMinnesota):

Closing as to food for thought, if you are the staff head of "Rules" why don't you have any?

Boss's order? And don't bite the hand? Those are "rules" of a sort, (as well as survival skills if having a volatile boss).

Lessons learned? Possibly not. While this image involves young men looking much alike, one looks more like Bakk than the others.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
If next session there is a leadership change in the Senate DFL, it presumably would include a broom for the Bakk affiliates presently put into well-salaried staff positions. New leadership would want people they trust as much as Bakk wants people he trusts. Those two sets might not have too much of an intersection.