
Thursday, June 18, 2015

[UPDATED] Papal encyclical, widely reported. Available online.

New York Times, hours ago, this screen capture:

WaPo, here.

Guardian, [Snowden's publisher], here.

Encyclical online, here.

Strangely missing, at a glance, recocilation of a finite planet and a population growth rate beyond ultimate sustainability - as a matter of science, not faith.

The Unabomber's Manifesto remains online, e.g., at WaPo, here.

Tom Petters ran a Ponzi scheme in Minnesota, and was careful not to rock his own boat, despite it running aground, ultimately.

Here is an image of LeBron. Note the many cellphone cameras:

Seek and ye shall find. Isn't that Biblical terminology? This link. An outlook making sense to many. And while that excerpt is a helpful reminder, the book and encyclical each has detail; and you can still easily buy the book from Amazon in case, over time, you may have lost or misplaced or forgotten your copy.

___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
More on the same. Club of Rome with addenda and rephrasing? And does this redirect attention from, e.g., the Nienstedt Diaries? It was time for the encyclical anyway, but collateral benefit - may it be God's will?

___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Since the Pope said, "Greed is not good," the right wingers are aflutter, e.g., here. My critique, there is much good and good sense to the encyclical but Francis does a straddle on family reproduction decision making and choice as necessary to a sane world population policy where hewing the existing Vatican party line is to be expected, even while not merited; and it is curious that the Nienstadt resignation was made to happen before actual release of the encyclical, as if a [white] puff of smoke[screen] is at play.

Much good and no evil is at play, judgment on family planning rights can be criticized, and the right wingers who have their drawers in a bind deserve to have their drawers in a bind. It is good for them.

Also, Francis was inexact about trade treaties written by Wall Street money. Indirectly one can infer a distaste for such stuff on his part, but explicit words about labor rights and human trade-related decency worldwide might have bettered the reception among skeptical progressives.

Oil and coal moguls have not appeared to offer much praise. Which means you know Francis nailed a few things down tight and outta-sight, in terms of truth.