
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Not hearing much lately about "job creators."

That awful term seems now in disfavor, and we all should be grateful.

When I think of "who are the job creators" I think of common criminals.

Without them, there'd be fewer police jobs, fewer prosecutor and public defender jobs, and privitized prisons would be bereft of job creation opportunity.

Given how the September 2008 splat unfolded, no Wall Street criminals ending in the slammer, the elite of criminality are not the job creators. It is the ordinary street criminal who seems to keep the machine well oiled and functioning. Especially in the days of marijuana legalization moving forward, we simply need more general-purpose thugs.

What could be clearer? They are "job creators" and should be accorded respect by right-wing bloggers who in the past have over-used that objectionable term. They deserve an appreciative woof from the Watchdog, for creating more jobs than the Anoka County Record has, or will.