
Thursday, June 18, 2015

House, largely along party lines, passed Fast Track without any worker job displacement protections, sending it to the Senate that way.

An email I received, sent two hour ago:

Subject: The votes: Fast track details how our reps voted. Emmer Yes, McCollum No

From: [private identity]
Subject: Action: Fast track
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 14:29:24 -0500

The house passed the limited version of the fast track on the Trans Pacific Partnership today so it goes back to the Senate for a re-vote. I called Franken and Klobuchar. Franken remains against, Klobuchar's staff is not stating her position. Here's the numbers to call:

Klobuchar 202-224-3244
Franken 202-224-5641
McCollum 202-225-6631
Emmer 202-225-2331
Pelosi 202-225-4965

Essentially what I do is ask for the position of the legislator then leave my message of opposition. Calls matter more than emails that matter more than doing nothing!

Representation without responsibility is tyranny? Wasn't something like that said in colonial times, leading to a transition from colonies to Confederation to Constitutional nationhood? We have regressed.