
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Glen Taylor's Strib's editorial board shows more conscience than the legislature.

This June 10, 2015, editorial, stating in part:

Legislators this year are brazenly putting the needs of special interests over Minnesota’s treasured natural resources with an agriculture and environment budget bill that undercuts critical pollution safeguards. In doing so, they also sent an alarming warning to anyone in years to come who challenges powerful interests such as agriculture and mining: Those who ask hard questions should expect political payback.

Bakk and the Republicans. You cannot just blame Daudt and his cohorts. But the DFLers in the legislature cannot do anything about Daudt. Unlike Bakk. Who has worn out his welcome even last session, but too much deference only made things worse, so as already noted, BROOM TIME.

Those DFLers who do not understand the norms of land and resource stewardship need to be clopped upside the head, as well as removed from positions of above average legislative power. The order of those two reform steps can vary but both are needed.

The editorial goes further than the brief excerpt, so read it. Again, this link.