
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Where do YOU find news you regard as reliable?

Asia Times once was reliable, but now is Larouche.

And has NY Times, WaPo, HufPo, WSJ, Bloomberg or Forbes covered what some may consider interesting trade news; news that was reported by a tightly government-tied Asian outlet, here and here?

The first item reports:

The Chinese side will capitalize on the competitiveness of its industrial capacity and superior technologies in railway, ports, electricity and telecommunications to actively participate in such big infrastructure projects as the proposed transcontinental railway, facilitate technology transfers and experience sharing, and help improve Peru's equipment manufacturing capability and job creation, he said.

He called for closer financial cooperation between the two sides to explore suitable financing methods, trade settlement in local currencies, and a currency swap scheme.

China-Peru cooperation in industrial capacity and equipment manufacturing is open to any third party with a goal to seek win-win and all-win results, Li said.

He voiced the hope that the Peruvian side could offer more support and convenience to Chinese enterprises in Peru.

The Chinese government attaches great importance to the comprehensive strategic partnership with Peru and will push for breakthroughs in bilateral cooperation on the basis of traditional friendship, Li said.

China will strengthen coordination with Peru in international and regional affairs, enhance exchanges between their cultures and civilizations, promote the common prosperity of both countries as well as developing nations, and jointly enrich the diversity of world civilizations, he added.

Humala said Peru highly values its relationship with China and is willing to make joint efforts with China to push forward their comprehensive strategic partnership.

The transcontinental railway connecting the Peruvian Pacific coast with the Brazilian Atlantic coast will be significant to Peru, Brazil and China as well as the regional economy, and that China's participation is indispensable, he said.

Peru welcomes China's investment in mining and other industries and transfer technologies to Peru, which will benefit Peru's industrialization, Humala said, adding that both sides could deepen cooperation in agriculture, fishery, housing construction and renewable energy and strengthen exchanges in education, tourism and culture.

Is that interesting news to you? Do you remember when Peru news was mainstream here, Fujimori (not a Chinese name) and Shining Path being an insurgency based on Maoist doctrine? E.g., here and here.

For Minnesota, agricultural news is of interest, especially BigAg hedging its domestic bets internationally, yes/no?

Here and here, with more coverage of BigAg potentialities, speculative of course, but enlarging a spectrum for inquiry; here and here.

Not to suggest we lack news outlets in the US providing needed quality updates to happenings worldwide; e.g., here and here, with the latter site's most read today:

Is it people get what they want; what they need; or what is thought right for them by editors and other funneling mechanics?

Or what they deserve?

Locally, we have Anoka County Record and its unimpeachable "news." Many deserve that.

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Are we getting "news" here and here or just another warmed over retaste of been-there, done-that heartburn, from our last statewide ballot question experiences? Yesterday's fish here, today's fare still, down South?

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
More diverse news, BigAg - it's rate of return, stupid. And where would you think Cargill is, in terms of preparedness for shifting norms? After all, it is a firm that likes economies of scale, and it has the scale to have that preference.

So, news about the big cash crop under the radar of many, paying cultivators big-time while demonized by troglodytes [a/k/a "Ingebrigtsens"], here, here, here, here and here. Yes, there is market regulatory policy at issue. The Economist, Globe and Mail, HuffPo and Sally Jo, all offer informative diverse views. Sheriff Bill should take up reading, as a hobby, once out of the legislature (which seems to take too much of his time for him to broaden and blossom).

It truly is a very narrow perspective on the hemp industry's revival displayed by people of the family narcs pray together, armed to the teeth outlook. Not that you'd blame them for wanting the family's cash cow to not be sent to rendering.

Bottom line as to having to ferret out news on the Internet: Republicans Awaken. There is more on the web than your chums setting up squatting on Facebook. And can you (without rotoring over to the link) name one Republican who has heeded the potential of agricultural diversity in Minnesota?

Indeed, under the adage "All politics is local," there nonetheless is more than good local news being posted by a recognized, legitimate local news outlets. However, under the same adage, we must be grateful for objectivity in local reporting - something being undermined in Anoka County and the fiction of a press without a real press; a newspaper without any newsprint.