
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"We defunded Planned Parenthood." So, punch my ticket already, so I can move on ...

This link. Queue forms to Scotty's left?

Does any reader know: Has Walker publicly expresed any opinion, indeed any though, about TPP and its long term consequences, threats and promises?

One expects declared candidates for the top ticket would be accorded access to the secret situation; at least having an opportunity to read and think.

From my understanding of the limited nature of access to the TPP text, it would have to be Walker himself reading it, not able to take notes as was the case with Warren, (e.g., reporting here and here, and bill draft here) and sending an aide to do the scut work is not an option. It seems a failure to take that step is relevant to the quality of preparation and attention we might anticipate, were Walker elected. One expects each and every candidate, be it Perry, be it Santorum, or Fiorina, would read the thing in preparation for debates.