
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bark a pox upon the unrestrained heavy heel - is it taxation without representation when it's appointees - acting as if royalty.?

Note the above is republished without any past, present or future payment exacted from or insinuated as between Crabgrass and the Woofer; each being independent of the other. The "PAID ADVERTISEMENT" part of the screen capture is something between those who have understandings to which I am not privy.

I find an unevenness in some Record effort to shift legal notices reliance in City of Nowthen inclusive of an offer of wholly free publication [made up for by volume?], on the one hand; and charging who knows however much, on the other hand, of the County Woofer -- whose very widget outlet is the ostensible subleased seat of record for the Record.

When you juxtapose things, ...

SHIFTING TO THE REPUBLISHED BARK ITSELF, IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Met Council = appointees non grata around the doghouse. Enlarge the image to read it. See if you agree or not; in whole, or perhaps in part.