
Friday, February 27, 2015

Who dat? Judging lest he/she be judged?

Is it a term reserved for use by the very special, the privileged, "Anoka white trash?"

What is the origin and meaning? Who gets to use the term to refer to others? Who is so entitled?

Does the term in use refer to those taking the Liberty of spending their Sunday mornings other than in church, used by those who do spend their Sunday mornings that way?

The question arises via a comment to an earlier post which because of its gross political incorrectness has lingered in my mind.

There among such treasured antiques as, nigger, wop, spic, kike, mick, et al. now in the trashheap, we have a still used "Anoka white trash."

I have no real idea how widespread such a term ever reached, in common gutter-slang, but the guess is its usage is limited to those challenged to have any basis to claim merit and who thus denigrate [we could look at that word too, couldn't we] others to feel big-shot themselves.

Of interest more than the origin of the Anoka white trash term is what sort of twisted troubled mind would still be talking or writing that way in the 21st century. What level of mind and what value system is at play. Do you suppose this anonymous person posting that comment has a conceal-carry permit? That's a scary thing to contemplate. One more sick person with a handgun.

As at least a terse usage, it could be added to the bottom of the red tee shirt. Best if put in a shirt reprint between POT HEADS and LUKEWARM CHRISTIANS.