
Friday, February 13, 2015

Senator Bakk stabbed him in the back.

Dayton's comment, as reported by strib online, here.

This is not necessarily a first for Bakk.

Dayton must feel like the environment.

There's a common cross isle bluster, Bakk and Emmer.

A see no evil on the Iron Range hand out for handouts attitude is reaching the back of everybody else in the state. At least arguably so. Why exactly is Bakk repeatedly the caucus leader? Doesn't the DFL have alternatives more amenable to reasonable, civilized discourse?

The hope would be Bakk standing back, when it comes time for the DFL to pick its next candidate for Governor. (UPDATE - Standing back in the supporting audience along with and next to Rybak, in an ideal world to at least some, while somebody like Thissen gets in-front-of-the-audience attention.)