
Friday, January 02, 2015

Towns in Anoka County: Failure of four towns to currently reach accord on joint fire protection reported by ABC Newspapers.

This link.

Early paragraphs in the full story state:

The differing compensation packages each community offers its volunteer firefighters made it impractical to have one joint fire department, according to Ramsey City Administrator Kurt Ulrich.

“We concluded those obstacles are fairly big,” Ulrich said. “Unless we see some significant movement from the other communities to provide better pay and benefits and better retirement benefits, the pieces aren’t going to fit together very well.”

However, Ulrich said new ways to work together came about thanks to fire chiefs, city administrators, and council members from multiple communities sitting at one table. Recruitment, training and standardization of equipment are just some of the things these communities are now partnering on.

“It’s always a good process to go through when you talk to other cities and try to find out ways to work together,” said St. Francis Mayor Jerry Tveit. “One of the best benefits was better relationships with our neighboring jurisdictions.”