
Saturday, December 06, 2014

RAMSEY - Just as Flaherty's rentals by the rails in Town Center are renting out at low vacancy and high rents, (at least for now); equal low vacancy rates have been achieved by Flaherty in Orland Park [Chicago 'burbs]. UPDATED.

This link, a generic Chicago Trib report on high-cost suburban rentals notes specifically about Flaherty:

Ninety7Fifty on the Park, a 295-unit development in Orland Park that opened in the spring of 2013, is 94 percent leased, said Brian Moore, a spokesman for its developer, Indianapolis-based Flaherty & Collins Properties.

Financial success, for Flaherty: short term - fat city; long term - wait and see.

There's more. Flaherty's rentals by the rails tenants should ask about security cameras.

This link; another Flaherty upscale-swank thing, (or not), but this excerpt:

A long-time resident of Indianapolis' largest apartment community says her landlord isn't doing enough to protect its tenants after a string of vandalism reports at the complex.

Westlake Apartments, a complex with nearly 1,400 units, is located on the west side near Interstate 465 and Rockville Road.

[...] someone had thrown a concrete gutter-splash block onto the front windshield of her car, which was parked right in front of her apartment.

The vandalism comes less than two weeks after a Domino's pizza delivery driver was robbed and attacked while making a run at the complex.

[...] Gilley said she doesn't think there are any security cameras and there's only one courtesy officer who oversees the entire complex. She argues that it isn't enough.

"We would be out walking at night, enjoying Westlake. It's a beautiful place to live. We have a beautiful lake. But now you can't. You can't even sit out and have a cookout or anything in the summertime, because you're fearful," Gilley said.

The complex is also hosting a crime watch meeting on Dec. 16.

A Westlake employee told RTV6 that management works closely with the Indianapolis Metro Police Department.

Brian Moore, communication director for the complex, said an average of 100 hours each month is invested by private officers through IMPD and that neighborhood watch meetings are held each month.

Jill Meals-Herron, vice president of property and asset management for Flaherty & Collins Properties, said that the safety of Westlake residents is top priority.

Get that, Flaherty renters; "a top priority." Nothing less.

Given the rents Flaherty is getting, he can afford a well positioned host of security cameras as another "upscale amenity" of the privilege of living there (or whatever jargon is today's fashion in place of "upscale amenity").

Indeed, it would be no surprise to find out that security camera systems were part of the original scheme, with no retrofit needed. Or not? Ask the landlord or the local landlord's rep.