
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

RAMSEY - An explanation for all the autos [many upscale] parked along Sunwood by Jim Deal's building, Monday, around noon, as seen while returning from a Coborns shopping trip.

It figured to be some kind of event. This Strib report. Everyone's a winner? Town Center landowners can hope, but how much impulse traffic will now make Town Center prosper? Do you suppose many impulse trips off Hwy 10 happen at Riverdale? Yes, if it is the planned destination it will be easier to reach via an interchange, but the same can be said for the Culvers near the former KMart. If you want a burger with a good malt, you go there but if you're headed elsewhere ---

The major reason to have supported the interchange, safety, remains while the Town Center hopes will be tested once the project is completed. And - it takes one traffic light along Hwy 10 off the map. That's a start.

ABC Newspapers reporting here, "Celebration of Highway 10-Armstrong project brings governor to Ramsey."

Let's see. The Dem Governor and Jim Deal touching base. That's news?